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Personal Profile

Fred L. Jones is an innovative training and development expert with a talent for personal and professional development. Strong leader with experience in program management, educational technologies, learning management systems, team building and adult learning content development. Passion for social and emotional learning, STEAM, creating a collaborative culture, and utilizing virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality as tools for teaching and learning.

Home: About

Professional Outlook

My vision of school is as an oasis of creativity, opportunity and learning. All students are creatively challenged to think outside the box while developing cognitive, social and emotional skills.

Arts, music, STEM and health are mandatory components of every students education. After school is considered an important extension of the regular school day. Summer is an integral part of every students educational plan, and students are challenged to expand their horizons all yearlong.

My role as an Expanded Learning Specialist is to help districts and schools fulfill that vision.

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Home: Personal Statement

Professional History

My Roles & Responsibilities

Home: Experience

Regional Program Manager, National Inventors Hall of Fame

Provided technical assistance and consultation to over 54 summer camp directors throughout California, Alaska and Oregon. Expanded the number of students participating in Invent Now programs in California from 1700 to 6070, an increase of over 350% in 2 years.

August 2014 - July 2016

Project Coordinator, Los Angeles County Office of education

Provided professional development, coaching and technical support to over 150 grantees in Los Angeles County covering 1800 after school sites.

January 2013 - July 2014

Grant Manager, NYC Department of Education

Secured and managed approximately 4.5 million dollars distributed annually throughout 70 schools for youth development, family literacy, music, sports, arts and academic enrichment programs throughout the borough of Queens.

November 2007 - May 2012

Field Supervisor, The Leadership Program

Supervised staff of 44 teaching artists and two site coordinators placed in 17 schools throughout NYC, responsible for implementing training on goal setting, classroom management, and infusing the arts into an after school curriculum.

August 2005 - October 2007

Tricks of the Trade


Home: Skills

Professional Development

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Quality Control

Music Class


Home: Clients
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National Inventors Hall of Fame

Served as host for the National Inventors Hall of Fame Innovation Echo Summer Program: Meet the Inductees! I had the honor of hosting several of the inductees from the Hall of Fame during visits to Summer Camps throughout California. Inductees like Frederico Faggin, the inventor of the microprocessor, and Kumar Patel, the inventor of the carbon dioxide laser.

The inductees met students, parents, educators and administrators, and shared their experiences as a form of inspiration to young innovators!


University Of Southern California

Collaborated with University of Southern California Fellowship Program to develop a partnership with Compton USD. The program was designed to provide teaching fellows working on doctoral programs to assist Compton after school and summer programs with developing STEM strategic planning, and providing evaluative and assessment support.


Apollo Theater of Harlem

Developed a customized annual workshop for their summer intern program called "Dressing for Success". Students discussed the dilemma of conforming to societal norms while still expressing their cultural identity. I then helped students find their place of acceptance with the concept of a dress code.


New York City Department of Education

Collaborated with NYC Department of Education Grant Manager team to produce the Future Now Event. Future Now was a digital story book celebrating success while capturing students’ pride in their school and dreams for the future. We collaborated with Google, IDEO Toshiba, and others to host an interactive arts, and media conference for students.


National School Climate Center

Developed and managed a 3-year school climate improvement pilot program in partnership with the National School Climate Center, Fordham University, and The Leadership Program. The program was funded by the NYC Department of Education Office of Youth Development. It was a multi-year program designed to infuse social and emotional learning concepts into a school culture.


New York State Afterschool Network

Served on advisory board for the development of the New York State After School Network Quality Assessment Tool, The QSA. The QSA was designed to provide a tool for programs to identify strengths and weaknesses free from the pressures of external monitoring and evaluation.


California Afterschool Network

Served as co-chair for one of the California After School Network Virtual Support Center workgroups for the Power of Discovery STEM resource website. Our committee was tasked with developing and distributing a statewide survey gathering data on website usage and customer perceived needs.

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Summer Matters Campaign

Represented Los Angeles County Office of Education while presenting a workshop at the 2014 Boost conference as part of the Summer Matters Campaign. Their vision is that all young people in California have equitable access to high quality summer learning opportunities to support their year-round learning and well-being. The workshop taught participants how to make sure their programs were fun and engaging while still maintaining academic benchmarks.



Pioneered and championed the adoption of the Cityspan platform for managing attendance for all 21st CCLC after school and summer programs in New York City. Successfully advocated for the adoption of the system city-wide as a method of creating cohesion and accountability.


The Afterschool Corporation

Collaborated with the TASC program in the program development and management of the first community school model in Queens. Distributed and managed 21st CCLC funding to enhance schools community school model by subsidizing after school component of program.

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S.T.E.A.M. Nation

Served as the liaison for the Los Angeles County Office of Education for our collaboration with Star Education, Los Angeles Unified School District, and West LA College to create STEAM Nation, the largest single day event in Los Angeles County celebrating Science,Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math(STEAM) education.

It is designed to give the Los Angeles community an opportunity to come together, to inspire children, to see themselves as a part of this national movement and to ignite a passion in the future creators of the new technology.


Los Angeles STEM Hub

Represented the Los Angeles County Office of Education in collaboration with the California Afterschool network, and the Los Angeles City Council to explore development of a regional STEM Hub for Los Angeles County.

Collaborated to design the work plan to develop the collaborative STEM community and to meet the needs of students and stakeholders in STEM education throughout the region.

Educational Experience

What I’ve Learned

Home: Education

BA, Music Education


Bachelor's degree in instrumental music education and performance.

Art Institute of Atlanta


Associates degree in music entertainment management. focus on songwriting, production, and the music industry.

United States Marine Corps


Gulf War Veteran, Non-Commisioned Officer in charge of armory, Company D. 8th Tank Battalion.

Let's Connect

For more information on how I can help you to develop your program, please fill in the contact info below. I look forward to meeting you!!

3019 Belingham DR NE
Atlanta GA, 30345


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3019 Belingham DR NE
Atlanta GA, 30345

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